Eligibility & Advocacy Services

Many patients struggle to get the assistance they need, while you are struggling with revenue loss. Our patient advocates can help.

Experts to do the job right

Benefit from our highly trained staff and best-in-class technology and automation to improve your eligibility results.

Our operational reports and analytics provide relevant, timely information so we can work together to continuously identify program changes and opportunities to improve your net revenue.

We’re representing you, so we take seriously our commitment to methodically screen, hire and train our staff to return the highest standards and deliver the best experience.

Out-of-State Medicaid Services

We know the process. RevCare’s expertise ensures that claims are handled by experienced professionals who are knowledgeable on rules, procedures, and policies governing reimbursement eligibility in each state. Our responsive reporting ensures that clients are informed about the process and status of claims.

Federal Programs:

  • Medicare (Title XIX) 

  • Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits(SSDIB, Title II)

  • Social Security Supplemental Security Income (SSI, Title XVI)

  • COBRA, Victims Assistance & Third Party Liability

  • RevCare works Medicaid Eligibility in all 50 states.

Your hospital benefits from:

  • Conversion of self-pay patients into an incremental revenue source

  • Increase in Supplemental Security Income percentage and potentially increased Disproportionate Share Funding

  • Increased revenue through the discovery of existing third-party coverage of patients who initially present as self-pay

  • Reduced collection agency fees

  • Reduced bad debt

  • Positive community relations

  • Increased patient satisfaction

  • Improved cash flow

Improving results for your patients and your hospital

  • In addition to better Medicaid outcomes, our specialized staff is trained to find all alternate sources of reimbursements, such as state-specific programs, COBRA, and Social Security Disability.

  • Each patient has a dedicated team from start-to-finish who receive robust training and coaching so that your standards and community standing are upheld. Our team also has strong people skills that support our patient-first approach.

  • We offer an improved automated exchange of data to and from client systems, and through our highly targeted process, to ensure that the right information is gathered on cases most likely to be certified.

State Programs

  • Medicaid Eligibility Qualification & Documentation

  • Healthy Start & Healthy Families

  • Medicaid for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

  • Medicare Premium Assistance Program

  • Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities

  • Children’s Buy-In Program

  • Youth Aged Out of Foster Care

  • Alien Emergency Medical Assistance

  • Breast & Cervical Cancer Project

  • Home and Community-Based Services Waiver program

  • HOME Choice

  • Refugee Medical Assistance Medicaid as a Secondary Payer for Medicare Recipients

  • Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps (BCMH)

  • Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB)

  • Financial Assistance & Hospital Charity